ALL the Vocabulary Words Found in the Greek New Testament (Alpha-Numeric by >10x Frequency PDF & On-Line Flashcards)

Here’s a viewable, downloadable PDF comprehensive alpha-numeric lexical listing of all of the vocabulary used (10x+) in the N.T. (1,067 words) as found in Bruce Metzger’s Lexical Aids. I created this “numbered” listing to allow for organized “bookkeeping” when students are attempting to track the vocabulary they have encountered within a given Greek grammar and have made (or need to make) vocabulary cards for. The list also shows how many words are encountered within a given frequency of occurrence (info that Metzger omits from his book). If a student only “numbered” his vocab cards, the number itself would reveal the relative “importance” of the word (re: its frequency of use in the N.T.). The lower the number, the more frequently the word is used; the higher the number, the less frequent. I tend to think, too, that it’s the middle range of words (20-30x or so) that need the most concentration, since we see them not so often as to know them “inherently,” but often enough to warrant knowledge of them, particularly if they have strong theological importance. Click here for an online flashcard study of all the New Testament words occurring more than 10 times per Metzger’s frequency lists coupled with words noted by Sake Kubo in his Reader’s Lexicon of the Greek New Testament >50x word usage list

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. My wife and I would like to study NT Greek. Can you let us know what books and resources you use?

  2. Thank you very much! I’ve been looking for such a list as this! I’m a beginning Greek student, but I really want to learn it and know it well. I’m preaching through the epistles of John right now and I’m translating as I go. Thanks again for sharing!

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